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Brand Marketing through Facebook

There is a paradigm shift in the way businesses are doing their marketing. All forms of businesses are storming into the online marketing of their products and services. Various social media platforms have been the best places to catch new customers due to the high number of users they register each day.

The most prominent online social media platforms include Twitter, Instagram – which is specifically for posting photos – as well as the most common one, Facebook. Estimates indicate that billions of people are registered users on these sites, giving businesses a good marketing platform.

In a single day, users are likely to visit the sites for at least one to two hours on average. This is what most businesses want to capitalise on.

Social media is a platform that has the capability to increase the customer base, which would lead to an increase sales that would mean a rise in revenues.

Facebook offers some options that favour businesses by enabling them to highlight their pages and products to as many people as they can. There is a small fee charged for this service, but it is worth it for any business that wants to be profitable.

More likes on Facebook automatically transforms to higher acceptability and even more likes by people on the site. It is for this reason that businesses opt to buy likes, as this is an option that has also been made possible. There are different prices for a given number of likes on a product page or company page. The article below highlights the benefits that a company can gain from buying Facebook likes.

  • More likes replicates best-selling brands

Many customers around the world like to associate with more popular companies. They buy and shop in businesses that they perceive as being a brand leader. It is a trend that most businesses have to adapt to to be able to increase their public relations and develop quality products and services, as well as further develop their marketing.

Fortunately, Facebook is a platform that can save you all the work of doing the promotion and save you some of your awareness-raising budget too. Make a page for your business and the associated brands, and then simply buy likes. By buying likes, the organisation will feature in the top list of the most liked brands, alongside other competing industries. It raises the status of the business to such a level that most audiences will then want to know and associate with the brand. Timely interactions with the audience are likely to boost more organic likes and then boost profitability as sales rise.

  • Rise in éclat

Marketing through Facebook will increase your business influence in the marketplace. Proper marketing will ensure that many Facebook users refer your business to more and more users. The result is the rise of your brand’s influence. The ability of the business to satisfy the needs and requirements of the customers means that reputation and perceived integrity will rise. There is then a common trust and confidence in the use of products and services offered by the business. This is the effect of having more likes in your portfolio, and it goes a long way towards raising profits through increased sales.

Pooling for more customers

A high number of likes will generate a more curious and eager audience who want to know what products and services are being offered. Others will be visiting the page to verify what they have been told by fellow users who have referred them.

More customers are also likely to come to the page through Google-based suggestions that come along with the high number of likes on your page. More often, search engines make the most popular sites appear first as suggestions in search bars. This is another way of having more buyers to offer your services and products.

Through the same Facebook platform, you can engage more people by creating events, discussions that the audience like to engage with, and even offer free discounts and gifts on for referrals and for the sharing of your Facebook page to their friends and followers. This is a strategy that is guaranteed to bring more and more customers on board as they are inspired by the confidence of their friends in your business.

You can also make information on your page less accessible to the audience who have not yet subscribed and liked the page, so they will have no other option than to like the page to catch up with the complete information they want.

Established businesses that have been in existence for a long period of time may find it’s not necessary to buy likes on Facebook. This is because they have already established themselves and have a market base that they can rely on. Buying likes is most effective when it comes to start-up businesses and those that have been struggling for quite a while with their marketing and promotion. Such businesses have an opportunity to exploit and increase their profitability. Buying likes from Facebook has been a breakthrough for some business in the market.


Mark Elliot Zuckerberg


Front end, their servers run a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) stack with Memcache.
backend services are written in a variety of different programming languages including C++, Java, Python, and Erlang
Thrift: supports C++, PHP, Python, Perl, Java, Ruby, Erlang
Cassandra (database)
HipHop for PHP

Release Date

Founded: 04 Feb 2004


> Over one billion users
> Facebook marketing strategy is low cost compare to others
> Easy sharing information relating to the business
> Providing customer support is also easy via Facebook
> Easy to connect with more users, clients base and Fans
> User traffic to a website can also be increased
> Easier to send updates and sell new products
> linking to business website
> Analytics


Time and resources are the biggest drawbacks.
Communications with your clients or fans on Facebook is very friendly, but some people or competitors may use your Facebook page as a venue to write negative comments or post spam. A person can even post false allegations about your business on your page for anyone to see. That's why your business needs to be monitoring its Facebook page 24/7.
If big advertisers bid more, their ads are more likely to be shown. This puts small businesses and niche advertisers at a disadvantage.
Need budget and policy for reputation management.
Lack of interaction with clients or fans and not publishing regular content can reflect very poorly on a business.

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Social media is a very powerful tool for business and there are many social networks used for marketing but none have come close to Facebook’s overwhelming user base of 1 billion. In my view, if you are willing to put the time and resources into your Facebook page you will definitely get high conversion rate with less cost.

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